finAlly im oFF tOMorrow..
sO tireD of WerkiNg.
After woRk wEnt tO tM fer A whiLe.
gEt sOme mAke uP stuff.
y Do tHEy HAve tO be So cOstly.
'bEshtIe' pIck me uP tO sEnd ME hOme.
tHAnk eu sO mucH.
wEnt tO wAsh His cAr At thE cArpArk.
tHAn hEAded hOMe.
bReAkfAst wif mUM.
hOW cuTE jUZ tHE tWo of uS.
thANks mOM fER the cuRTAins.
fit nICely wiF my nEwly mAke oVer rOOM.
lOve eu MoM.
cANt wAit fer tmR ouTing..
supER impOrt niGHt.
miSs eu dEAr.
upDAtes sOOn.
becAuse eu nEver cAred
11:20 PM
\\cAmat Ari RAyeR//
fAstiNg hAvent eND yET ler..
sorry the long goNe updAtes.
bEen bz.
raYer cuMing big day cUMing.
And fiNaLLy mY rOOm.
gEt Its mAke oVer!!
i LOve ORAnge!
i miSS eu bEshty AIbah!!!
mEet mE sOOn leH..
wAnt wAIT fer rAYer iziT!
upDAtes sOOn.
duN pLAy wiTH tHE heArt.
cOz ONce eU brEAk It.
eU cAnT menD it.
ActIOn spEAks lOUder tHAn woRds.
tHINk bEfoRe eU spEAk.
dON cOMMit if Eu cHOOse tO bE.
becAuse eu nEver cAred
7:20 AM
thE fiRst dAy oF Aug.
wEnt to wOrk erLY due tO sOME worK loAd uNdONe yESt.
cOck uP coMp!
its wAs soOO lAMe After tAt.
tHE cenTRE is SOo quiet.
dO sOMe mANicuRes wiTH coLLeque.
nOthinG to dO.
After wOrk mR bestIe pIck me uP.
sAt Nyte!!
tHEn hEAded TO e hUB!
pAstAmAniA herE we cuM.
After we hAd oUR diNNer thEn heAd tO espLAnade.
it HAs bEen sOO lONg sinCE i lAst stEP tHAt pLAce.
wAlk up To tHe meRlioN.
sO roMAntic.
soMe miSunderstAndiNG.iM sorIe,
becAuse eu nEver cAred
2:20 AM
27 jULy 08
siNgtEL n soNy ericSsOn pResEnts.
tRAffic JAm stREEt pArty.
aRmenIAn stReet.
gUest stARring.
aftER woRk rUshed hoMe to chAnge.
tHen heAd to chAi chEE seAfooD tO hAd dinNer.
gettiNG LAte fEr tHE pArty.
iNform DAd.
dAd offerEd to sEnd US therE.
gAve mR bestIE A cAll tO coMe to loCatioN.
bestIe cAme slIghtlY on TYme.
tHAnx dAd fer sEndiNG us.
tHe queue wAs so lOng to get iN tHEre.
bUT the wAiting tym stILL ok.
it wAs so hOt.
no wiNd nOThinG!
so Much pPL ard.
so stUffY!
kIAsu singAporeANs cuMIng lAte n WANtinG to get iN the froNt line.
oH weLL.
oVerAll tHE pArty wAs oNLy rAted nOT bAd tO me.
theN heAd to bEstie plAce tO get thE cAr.
tHEn HEAd to mit beShtie fwen At temp.
tO pAss A pAil.
tHE fwEns pLAce WAs tHE sAme bLK As my Ex.
i nOe he is ON hiS wAe bAck fRm work At tHat kinDa tyM.
gUess WAd!
my prediCtioN wAs ritE!
hidE tyM!
wenT intO tHE cAr n shuT the dooR.
hAd a chAt wif bestIe Fwen fer aWhILe.
tHEn hEAded to chANgi to EAt.
thEn heAded hOMe.
so tired.
lucky iM off tMR.
becAuse eu nEver cAred
2:04 AM
todAy is grEAt weekEnd.
After woRk wEnt to the F1 BUILDING.
suCh a gReAt weeKend spEnt wif mY mR bestie.
i lOVE it.
we gEt to cAtch tHE driftEr preseNt their skiLLs.
righT in FRonT of oUR very EYes.
seEn thE bEst moDified cArs.
AwesoME stUffs!.
heAd bAck hOMe.
tHEn bEshgFwen tXt for A meet UP.
gOssIP tym!!
its BEen AwhiLE sinCe we LAst sAw eAch OTher.
tHAnk fer tHE idenTIcAl wAtch my dEar.
loVe it!..ApprEAciAte.
soOOo intO gOssipINg tiLL 1 Am iN the moRniNG.
gf's bF joIN the goSsip pArty..
hOt hOt stUff.
thEn head hOme tO slEEpp..
becAuse eu nEver cAred
1:54 AM